TKS tank, also known as
tankette, was major tracked vehicle of Polish Army in September 1939. In 1931, Military Institute of Research and Engineering (
Wojskowy instytut Badan i Inzynierii) team lead by T. Trzeciak designed a vehicle based upon British MK VI tank. Throughout few years improvements were implemented, new engine, frontal shape was changed, new gun mantlet installed and new optical sights, Gundlach's Visor, allowing all round observation of battlefield from the inside. In August 1939 Tank Battalions equipped with TKS tanks were mobilized into Independent Companies and Squadrons, 13 tanks each, 1 commander tank with 2 platoons, 6 each. These units were attached to Brigades of Cavalry and Infantry Divisions, TKS tanks were also used in armored train units.