The most renown Polish cavalry formation, unconquered on the field of battle at 17th century. Comprised out of high born and rich recruits, wearing characteristic suits of armor that included single wing or pair of wings fixed to saddle rear or at the back of armor. There are several theories stating purpose of these wings, one of them states wings were used for psychological warfare which scared horses of an enemy during charges, or protected rider from attack from behind during close combat. Charges of Hussar units started slowly in loose formations, to reduce effectiveness of enemy artillery, what made quick turn round and retreat possible. When commander noticed an opportunity for a successful charge, order was given to proceed into trot, formation and ranks were tightened, accelerating into gallop and canter. Such sequence was used for effective breaking of enemy ranks. Hussar's armor consisted of helmet, called "
szyszak" scale breastplate, vambraces and bevor. Hussar weapons were: saber; long (approx 63 inches), saber-like weapon called "
koncerz" used mostly for stabbing which gave raider long reach from horseback; horseman's pick; lance (approx 19 feet long).