The fewer details it seems the longer it takes. Engine hatches and back engine plate with all details are done. Miniature of the gun came next, it's base with characteristic "snout" ("Saukopfblende") shape is made but not yet fixed to the upper hull. Gun barrel was rolled out of kit's card, after almost hour spent rolling can say I'd rather prefer offset paper as alternative. Offset is softer, easier to control and keep in line. Card is too thick for small diameters, moreover if too much pressure is applied while rolling surface my crack or bend leaving visible marks. For rolling I use 2 mm in diameter, few inches long steel bar. Surface for this method is important, it has to be soft and flexible. I use back side of old mause pad, which is "foamy" and ideal for this kind of job. The 'slope' part of gun's base has difficult shape, had to fold it first in proper areas than stick it piece by piece to the rest. Design here did not fail, but part requires extra attention especially on the "round" corners, angle is more than 90 - 100 degrees, curved and has to be flat on joining point.