The camouflage scheme is very much alike Do 17's, green/dark green with light blue on the bottom. Painting started with white undercoat (small amount of Devlan Mud wash was applied straight onto white to try basic weathering) and airbrushing Space Wolves Grey on the bottom of the craft as well as flanks (major color in this case). When dry, bottom & midsection were masked off. Green camouflage was applied high on the fuselage and across wings.

Next, varnish (satin) was used to secure main colors. Engine was painted, propellers assembled with spinner and attached to the fuselage (rotating). Top engine panel as well as cooler intake were refitted for further detailing/finishing. Majority of details were not applied until this stage, there was no need to fiddle with already very fragile components. Wheels, landing gear covers, canopy (bearing in mind my last adventures with masking off I tried new way, copied sections of canopy to masking tape using pencil when on, than taken off, cut pieces out and reapplied - right & quite quick way to do it) with other details were added. Application of decals (despite only one version there are plenty of decals - spent some time trying to get the smallest on, so small I was not even able to read some without enhancing glass) and mid section of canopy (open position) & antenna finished this build.

Because I have quite few empty CD tubes, I tried using one as base for this model. Small airfield scene was created using ground crew kit (
Revell). With main set-up in mind, base (of the base;) was created using couple layers of PVA glue and some thick sand (out of my old Warhammer supplies). It was my first base of that size, previously I made some, but only for WH miniatures. I don't know much about dioramas and scenes yet, subject is very interesting on it's own and requires a bit of study. That is why the same techniques as for WH miniatures were used here. PVA + sand, layer of color (Steel Legion Drab - only new color from current Citadel range I have), green & white weathering powders from Humbrol (there was no chance to buy any other color across few shops I visited - all out of stock!), spots of Devlan Mud wash, some thicker sand grains were painted in light grey and finally Kommando Khaki lightly drybrushed. Ground crew was painted according to references I found when building
Dornier 17.

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